Astroengine 2.0 Launches!

Astroengine v2.0
Astroengine v2.0

After much deliberation and planning, I made the decision to give a complete facelift. Although the black-background/off-white text had served me well, I noticed that the dark colour scheme was ageing pretty quickly (and giving some of my readers eye strain!). As the traffic has increased 100-fold in the last six months, I thought it was a good time to launch a brand new image, using a professional template that I could easily customize…

On stumbling across Blog Oh! Blog (BOB) I was blown away by the quality of the templates and decided that this was the “feel” I was after so I could concentrate more on my article writing that wrestling with an old design. I finally settled for the Statement BOB template and quickly adapted it for use with my blog. If you run a WordPress website, I strongly suggest you have a look at these designs

Please explore Astroengine’s new look and report any problems you may have with the navigation, function or design in the comments below or by firing me an email. I’ve tested the site out on Firefox 3, Safari, Opera and IE 8, but I’ve probably overlooked something. There will be some adjustments, especially when I optimize the posts for Web 2.0 traffic, but disruption will be kept to a minimum.

For now, I hope you like what you see! I have a stack of articles to write, so expect Astroengine’s output to increase over the coming days…

Cheers, Ian

12 thoughts on “Astroengine 2.0 Launches!”

  1. Hi Ian, Astroengine looks really cool! Definitively I like it, previous black background was killing me.

    Only two suggestions. Subtitle on the logo “tugging at the fabric of cosmos” is almost invisible, you should change the color or make the font size bigger.

    The column with categories and links is quite long, maybe you should move links to recent post column to balance it.


  2. Definitely like the new site layout. I like reading this blog, as you tend to write about different things than does the Badastronomer, so it’s nice to get a mix of astronomy-type stuff.

  3. Hi Kanijo! So glad you like the improvements 🙂 Yes, I’ve seen the text in the logo is a little dim – I’ll be preparing a better one very soon! Thanks for the pointer. Also, the lists on the right – I think I will be altering the order at some point, I might shift the categories over to the far side.

    Hi River! So happy you are enjoying what I have to say. Rest assured, there is a lot more where this came from! Thank you for following my stuff!

    Thanks both for the pointers. I also have some emails with responses, all a great help, thank you!

    Cheers, Ian

  4. Ian, I know you did a lot of work on this theme. So, I’m very disappointed to tell you that the old theme was cooler. But again, maybe I’ll start liking it after some days to giving it a go.

    P.S: I don’t its “that” bad. Just that I like black. So, peace out. 🙂

  5. LOL, thanks Tech. Yeah, I must admit, I loved the previous design (and I always enjoy a black background as its more “spacey”), but I wanted to do something radical, professional and more focused on Web 2.0 traffic whilst keeping my regular readers entertained.

    I’m going to be customizing this template quite a bit over the coming weeks, so keep an eye open 😉



  6. things sometimes undergo trial and error. if you fail do it again in another way. it such process, we arrive at what we call success. many victorious persons came from many failures.

  7. Hi Kanijo! So glad you like the improvements 🙂 Yes, I've seen the text in the logo is a little dim – I'll be preparing a better one very soon! Thanks for the pointer.

  8. Hi Kanijo! So glad you like the improvements 🙂 Yes, I've seen the text in the logo is a little dim – I'll be preparing a better one very soon! Thanks for the pointer.

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