Carnival of Space Week 80 – Starts With A Bang!

There is a decidedly festive theme about this week’s Carnival over at Ethan Siegel’s astrophysics blog. Somehow, he’s managed to associate each blog’s CoS posting with something from Thanksgiving – from turkeys to beer to homemade baked macaroni and cheese to a sickly-looking dessert… it’s all there with each post from around the space blogosphere scattered like tinsel over the proceeds.

If anything, go to Starts With A Bang! with your notebook ready, you’ll get some fine cooking tips. And if you don’t know what a Turducken-style turkey is, you’d better read on… it’s a feast for the eyes and I’m suddenly feeling very, very hungry!

Back to the space stuff, for Astroengine’s part, I sent the announcement about my new radio show, Astroengine Live. In fact the next show will be the day before Thanksgiving, but I won’t be trying to compete with Ethan’s Carnival, it looks like he’ll be having way too much fun!

Cheers, Ian