AstroPhoto #1: Goonhilly Down

Goonhilly Down (&copy Ian O'Neill)
I’ve always wanted to merge my love of space exploration and my passion for photography. Looking through my collection of pictures I’ve taken through the years, I appear to have quite a few space-related photos, so thought I’d share them between the physics publications and space news articles.

To kick-off this new section of Astroengine, I’ll begin with “Goonhilly Down”. It’s a shot of one of the satellite dishes at the Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall, UK. The photo was taken in 2007, and I generated my own starfield to blend into the shot as its “sky”. I also overlaid an archived image of the comet Hale-Bopp from a NASA photograph. This is in tribute to the amazing achievements of the world’s largest satellite Earth station that is now downscaling operations and moving to another location in the UK…

Camera: Canon PowerShot SD450
Other: Adobe Photoshop 7

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