Virgin Galactic Above & Beyond Awesomeness

If you know me, you’ll probably know that my passion for communicating space exploration is matched by one thing and one thing only: trance music. Interestingly the crossovers between space and music are many and trance is often the choice backing music of many space-based videos.

So here’s one of my favorite trace groups who were asked by Virgin Galactic to perform their kick-ass tune “Buzz” at the official unveiling of SpaceShipTwo in the Mojave Desert last month. I actually saw Above & Beyond live at Global Gathering in 2006, and I can confirm that they are as awesome as they sound.

From the YouTube video channel Above & Beyond TV:

When Virgin Galactic were looking for some atmospheric music to herald the launch of their ground-breaking ‘SpaceShipTwo,’ they turned to Above & Beyond. At an event hosted by Richard Branson in the Mojave Desert, the track chosen to accompany the official unveiling of SpaceShipTwo was Above & Beyond’s club anthem ‘Buzz’, which was inspired by the Apollo 11 moon-landing. After the unveiling of the world’s first space tourism spacecraft, Above & Beyond performed an exclusive DJ set in front of an audience of 800 dignitaries, celebrities and soon-to-be astronauts, plus the assembled global media.

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